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These blood cells die sooner than normal, leading to anemia. There are two things that need to happen in order for your body to absorb vitamin B12 from the food you eat. First, hydrochloric acid in your stomach removes vitamin B12 from the food it was in. Next, vitamin B12 combines with something called intrinsic factor, a protein made by your stomach.
Its also the first natural product consisting cobalt, which can be produced industrially using the process of bacterial fermentation synthesis. Vitamin B12 is not produced in plants and animals and is therefore obtained from an anaerobic bacteria known as Streptomyces. Vitamin B12, also known as Cobalamin, is a water soluble vitamin. This vitamin plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, and also in the formation of blood. In simple words, a vitamin is an organic molecule that is stated as an essential micronutrient, required in small proportions for the proper functioning for its metabolism. Along with several benefits, these vitamins if not provided in the body in right quantity can also cause deficiencies.
If neurological problems develop from vitamin B12 deficiency, they may not be reversible. Cheddar cheese also provides 0.8 micrograms of vitamin B12 100grams of cheese. This will also give you 400 calories, so you see you can get enough vitamin B12 from dairy if you know how much to consume.
Dishes such as idli or dosa made by fermenting rice grains is also effective in improving gut health. If an individual maintains the flora of their gut, he/she will never suffer from Vitamin B12 deficiency. Ignoring Non vegetarian items in the diet maybe an important cause of the deficiency. People with Sjögren's syndrome are over six times more likely to have vitamin B12 deficiency.
What to Expect After Treatment
25,000μg is a lot, and only a tiny fraction of it is absorbed. 1,000μg is still a lot, but at least when you inject day after day, you will have high amounts of B12 circulating in your blood around the clock, saturating your tissues and cells. A hundred grams of Greek yogurt will provide 0.8 micrograms of vitamin B12 which is roughly 25% of the daily recommended dietary amount of vitamin B12 for an adult. Initial diagnosis done based on serum B12 levels can indicate vitamin B12 deficiency. Unfortunately, even if your serum B12 levels are within the normal limits even then you may still be suffering from B12 deficiency.
When this happens, the body may not produce enough RBCs to supply the body with oxygen adequately. Without enough oxygen, the body cannot work as well, causing a person to experience fatigue, weakness, and other complications. Blood transfusions to treat serious vitamin B12–deficiency anemia in combination with vitamin B12 treatment. The recommended daily amounts of vitamin B12 depend on your age, your sex, and whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Your healthcare provider can look at your medical history to help determine how much vitamin B12 you need each day.
Management and Treatment
Injecting the vitamin into a muscle allows the body to absorb the vitamin without involving the digestive system. Examples of these injections include cyanocobalamin or hydroxocobalamin. Pernicious anemia is an autoimmune condition that affects the lining of the stomach and prevents the production of a protein called intrinsic factor. This is due to the immune system creating antibodies that attack the parietal cells, which line the stomach and produce this protein. Intrinsic factor helps the body absorb vitamin B12 in the small intestine.

If you have been taking folic acid tablets, you may be tested again once the treatment has finished . To ensure your treatment is working, you may need to have furtherblood tests. If you need regular injections of vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin would need to be given once a month, whereas hydroxocobalamin can be given every 3 months.
How is vitamin B12–deficiency anemia diagnosed?
You may still have the condition even if your vitamin B12 levels are normal. If you have vitamin B12–deficiency anemia, you may have the typical symptoms of anemia at first, such as fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath, headaches, or dizziness. If left untreated, you may start to notice brain and nervous system symptoms. This is because vitamin B12 is also needed for your brain and your nerves to work properly.
Among 700 disabled women over 65, those deficient in vitamin B12 were 2X more likely to be severely depressed. Women who consumed more vitamin B12 had lower odds of being depressed in a study of over 9,000 people . In one study, 51 vitamin B12-deficient people had lower levels of the master antioxidant glutathione and reduced total antioxidant capacity, compared to 53 non-deficient people. Reflecting poor antioxidant defense, those who were B12-deficient also had higher levels of a marker of oxidative stress . There should be no delay in diagnosis and treatment as symptoms in children may not be completely reversible. Failure of healthcare professionals to recognise theneurologicalandpsychiatricsymptoms of B12 deficiency.
Levels of these nutrients to ensure you get the best out of your B12 therapy. They may also give you dietary advice so you can increase your folate intake. But if you need replacement tablets of vitamin B12, these will usually be in the form of cyanocobalamin. Check the nutrition labels while food shopping to see how much vitamin B12 different foods contain.

The recommended dietary allowance for vitamin B12 may vary among individuals due to different factors, but it is roughly 2.4 micrograms for most adults. It is also wise to take a good vitamin B complex in addition to your B12 injection as all B vitamins need each other to work properly. Supplementing one in isolation can cause an imbalance in others.
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